The Black Art in America Fine Art Show Houston took place at the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum on October 27-29th. Here are a few takeaways from the weekend. We had a record of attendees for this inaugural art fair. Multiple times throughout the fair, there were lines of customers waiting to make purchases. The show hosted both new and seasoned collector’s from all over the country, including states like Arkansas, California, D.C., Georgia, New York, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania just to name a few, however the Houston collecting community was well represented and buying. While the show featured strong selections of work by artists of historical significance ie. Elizabeth Catlett, Richard Hunt, Benny Andrews, Richard Mayhew, Dr. Samella Lewis and Gordon Parks, it was the contemporary artists whose work sold at record pace. We had strong sales of work by quilters Beverly Smith and Phyllis Stephens as well as mixed media artists Lillian Blades, Charly Palmer, Leroy Campbell, Delita Martin, Woodrow Nash, Najee Dorsey and Frank Frazier. Other notable sells were works by AfriCobra artist Wadsworth Jarrell, Elizabeth Catlett, John Biggers and Steven Tette.
The BAIA Talks panels were very well attended, and the sessions discussing ‘Collecting Contemporary Art’ and the ‘A Seat at the Table’ panel lead the way as most popular. Look for the BAIA Talks podcast episodes of each session to be released in the coming days.
Collecting Contemporary Art (part A)
Collecting Contemporary Art (part B)
The opening night reception and BSNM Harvey Relief Benefit served as an opportunity for collectors to preview the collection, as well as a means to raise funds in post Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Entertainment for the evening was Mardi Gras Indian – Spy-boy Dow Edwards, a New Orleans original who gave an unforgettable performance that had everyone buzzing and sharing both video and photo content on social media. Speaking of Social Media, our seven day statistics on Facebook (October 25-31st) for the Black Art in America Fine Art Show Houston – Page Followers increased 168% with 951 new followers. Page Reaches increased 919% with over 1,290,285 people reached. Page Views increased 58% with 1,359 page views. Post Engagements increased 640% with 175,135 engagements.
“It was reminiscent of the National Fine Art Show held in the SoHo district of New York with over 50 major art dealers celebrating the importance of art and culture. These participating dealers were from all over the United States and around the world. Black Art In America (BAIA) delivered the same level of importance and impact. The art was excellent and the educational seminars lead by collectors, educators and artists proved to be invaluable, for those in attendance it was priceless. As a artist I have been in the market for more than 30 years, I’ve participated in almost every show and venue celebrating African-American artists, this is the best show in the last 20 years. I salute the founder , Najee and Seteria Dorsey, Mr. Eugene Foney, the staff of Black Art In America, patrons and friends for providing an art program of historical merit. Art is visual literacy and it aids in preserving our cultural heritage, Black Art In America scores an A+.” Ted Ellis